Idea and method
Who is responsible for Digital Mental Load Test?
How does the scoring work?
What is Mental load?
What is care work?
How to compare work load including work at a job and care work?
If both parents work a similar number of hours at their jobs, the fair distribution of care work should be about 50:50. If you have a different distribution of paid work time, you can try to calculate a fair distribution of care by adding the number of hours for paid work and the number of hours for care work and dividing the total by two. This is the number of hours each person should contribute. A week of care work is about 98 hours when children do not go to daycare or school. With daycare and/or school for 8 hours per weekday, there are about 58 hours or correspondingly fewer hours.
Person 1 works 40 job hours
Person 2 works 20 job hours.
The offspring goes to daycare/school/other care for 40 hours per week.
The total working time (wage+care) in this case is: 20+40+58 = 118 hours.
This total is divided by two. 118/2 = 59 hours per person.
To get to 59 hours, person 1 works 40 hours on the job and does 19 hours of care work per week. Person 2 works 20 hours on the job and does 39 hours of care work.
The percentage difference between the care hours of person 1 and person 2 is the individual care gap. This corresponds to a fair distribution of the care burden that can be recorded in this way. The care gap at the expense of person 2 could then be up to 105%.
This calculation proposal is only an approximation. Keep in mind that this test is not yet able to capture the full extent of invisible work. Use it and such calculations as a conversation starter, not as an objective measure!
Where did the evaluation of the percentage go?!
Your feedback has made it clear how important the percentage evaluation (This corresponds to xxx percent of all care work) is to you to assess your work performance.
At the same time, there were the most comments on this: In the test you can tick whether you are doing something or thinking about something – regardless of whether you share the task 50/50 or maybe take on 75%. In the percentage calculation, this task counts fully. If your partner ticks the same tasks, then they count as full in his/her calculation. So it is possible that a couple has more than 100% work output in total.
Your (and also our!) wish would be to make the answers in the questions more fine-grained, so that e.g. you could tick: I-remember-to-do-it 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%. Of course, there can still be a total of more than 100% if the partners do not agree…
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to implement this extension of the mental load test because we do not have the capacity to do so. If you would like to support us so that we can continue, we would be happy to receive a donation!